
Email Templates

This guide will help you set up and customize email templates for both transactional and marketing emails in the Next.js Supabase AI template using Supabase and Resend services.


In the Next.js Supabase AI template, email templates are used to send professional and consistent emails to users. Two key types of emails are managed in the template:

  1. Transactional Emails: Handled by Supabase, primarily for authentication-related actions.
  2. Marketing Emails: customized email templates created using React.Email.

Transactional Emails (Supabase)

Supabase is used for all auth-related transactional emails. These emails include actions such as user invitations, password resets, and email change confirmations. Supabase provides a variety of pre-configured email templates that can be customized for your specific use case.

Supabase Email Templates

  • Invite User
  • Magic Link
  • Change Email Address
  • Reset Password

Customizing Email Templates Locally

To customize Supabase email templates for local development:

  1. Open the config.toml file located in the supabase/templates directory.
  2. Specify the email subject and content path in the appropriate configuration section.
    • Example configuration:
      subject = "Reset Password"
      content_path = "local html file path"

Customizing Supabase Email Templates in Production:

You can edit templates in Supabase dashboard (Similar to customizing templates locally)

  1. Open Supabase Dashboard and select project.
  2. Go to Authentication tab and Select Email Templates under Configuration column.
  3. Edit the templates. Refer Link ({project_id}/auth/templates)

For detailed information on customizing Supabase email templates, refer to the official Supabase documentation.

Marketing Emails (Resend)

For marketing emails, the template uses the Resend service along with to create visually appealing and responsive email templates.

Setting Up Resend

Before you can start creating marketing email templates, ensure that you have set up your Resend account in the template. Detailed instructions for setting up Resend can be found here.

Marketing Email Template

To add a new marketing email template:

  1. Create a new template file in the /emails directory in root.
  2. You can refer to the invite.tsx example for structuring your email template.

Below is a sample code snippet for an Invite Email Template:

import { appConfig } from "@/app.config";
import { env } from "@/env";
import {Body, Button, Container, Head, Html, Img, Section } from "@react-email/components";
import { Tailwind } from "@react-email/tailwind";
interface InviteEmailTemplateProps {
	inviteURL: string;
export default function InviteEmailTemplate({ inviteURL }: InviteEmailTemplateProps) {
	return (
			<Head />
				<Body className="bg-white my-auto mx-auto font-sans px-2">
					<Container className="border border-solid border-[#eaeaea] rounded my-[40px] mx-auto p-[20px] max-w-[465px]">
						<Section className="mt-[32px]">
								className="my-0 mx-auto"
						<p className="text-black text-[24px] font-normal text-center p-0 my-[20px] mx-0">
							Join your organization on <strong>{}</strong>
						<Section className="text-center mt-[32px] mb-[32px]">
								className="bg-[#fd5370] rounded text-white text-[12px] font-semibold no-underline text-center px-5 py-3"
								Accept Invite

In this example, the template dynamically references the application's name and email logo, providing a personalized experience for the user.

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