Sign up and Sign in

This guide outlines how to configure both Sign Up and Sign In options for your Next.js Supabase SaaS Template. The template offers flexible methods for user authentication, including Magic Link, OAuth, and Email/Password, allowing you to tailor the user experience.

Sign-Up Configuration

The Next.js Supabase SaaS Template provides three primary options for user sign-up:

  1. Magic Link: Users receive a one-time password (OTP) or link via email to sign up, bypassing the need for a password.
  2. OAuth Providers: Google and GitHub accounts are configured by default, but additional providers like Apple, Azure, Facebook, and more can be added.
  3. Email and Password: Traditional email and password sign-up.


For OAuth authentication, you will need to set up valid credentials for each provider you plan to use. This involves adding environment variables for each OAuth service.

Step-by-Step Configuration

Set Up Environment Variables

To enable OAuth sign-ups, populate your .env.local or another environment file with the necessary credentials for each provider.

Google OAuth:


GitHub OAuth:

For additional providers, follow a similar structure and ensure their environment variables are added.

Update Configurations in template

Configure the client-side sign-up options by editing the /config/client.config.ts file. You can enable Google, GitHub, and any other OAuth providers by adding them to the configuration.

providers: {
    magicLink: true,  // Enables Magic Link sign-up
    emailPassword: true,  // Enables Email and Password sign-up
    oAuth: ["google", "github", "apple", "azure", "facebook"],  // Enables multiple OAuth providers
Ensure the SITE_BASE_URL is also correctly set in .env.local file for proper redirection during the sign-up process.

Supabase Configurations

To enable authentication features in your local Supabase environment, edit the supabase/config.toml file created after running supabase init.

Enable Supabase authentication by setting the following flag in the [auth] section:

enabled = true

To enable sign-ups via email and password, modify the [] section as follows:

enable_signup = true

To add more OAuth providers, configure them similarly to the GitHub example below. Make sure to replace the client_id and secret values for each provider:

enabled = true
redirect_uri = "http://localhost:54321/auth/v1/callback"
Best practices suggest storing sensitive values such as client IDs and secrets in environment variables, which can be defined in the .env.local file for automatic substitution by the Supabase CLI.
  • Restart Supabase

After making changes to supabase/config.toml, restart your local Supabase environment with the following commands:

npm run supabase:stop
npm run supabase:start

Verify Sign-Up Setup

Visit the following URL to test the sign-up functionality:



Sign-in options mirror the sign-up methods and use the same configurations. Users can sign in using:

  1. Magic Link
  2. OAuth Providers (Google, GitHub, and any additional providers you configured)
  3. Email and Password

Client Side Configurations

The same configurations in client.config.ts for sign-up methods apply to sign-in as well. Ensure that the proper methods are enabled in the providers section.

Supabase Configurations

Ensure the supabase/config.toml file remains correctly configured for sign-in, similar to the sign-up configurations outlined above.

Verify Sign-In Setup

To test the sign-in functionality, visit:


By following these steps, you'll have a fully functional authentication system with customizable options for your users. Both sign-up and sign-in flows will be ready with Magic Link, OAuth (including Google, GitHub, Apple, and more), and Email/Password methods.

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