Profile Management
Learn how profile management works in the Next.js Supabase AI template using Supabase's APIs.
Profile Creation
This guide will help you manage user profiles in the Next.js Supabase AI template, covering username creation, image uploads, and secure storage.
Profile Updation
This guide will help you manage profile updates, including changes to name and email, and trigger email verification in the Next.js Supabase AI Template.
Password Update
This guide will help you enable secure password updates for users with Email-Password signups in the Next.js Supabase AI template.
Marketing Email Preference
This guide will help users manage their email notification preferences for new features and product launches in the Next.js Supabase AI template.
Delete Profile
This guide will help you learn how to delete a user profile in the Next.js Supabase AI template, including conditions, configuration, and implementation steps.